Get Started 
This FREE opportunity allows you to meet with a wellness team member to create a plan, determine your goals, and set a standard for working out. It will give you a rundown of the classes and programs the YMCA has to offer you! In just 30 minutes, Get Started will help you become comfortable with our facility and fitness equipment. Available at all locations. (Get Started appointments are required for ages 11-15 before using equipment.)
How to Register
- Click the "Register Now" button above
- Select a coach from your preferred location (each coach has different times available!)
- BHSJ = Benton Harbor-St. Joseph YMCA
- DTSB = Downtown South Bend YMCA
- NB = Niles-Buchanan YMCA
- OB = YMCA O'Brien Center
- Login to your account/Create your account (Open to Members and the Community!)
- Select your time & book your session
Registration is available online for members and the community. Those who have visted the Y before may access their online account using an email the Y has on file or the phone number of the primary user on the account. If not already in our YMCA system, please join as a Non-Member on our "Join Online" page to register for programs. When registering someone 12 and under, a parent or guardian must register first as the Primary Adult. Please call or stop by the Y if you need assistance.
No cost — and registration is always open!
The Get Started program is perfect for new members looking to set attainable fitness goals and get accustomed to the YMCA and its equipment.
- Health Profile Check - Discuss workout history and your goals
- Equipment Introduction - Learn the equipment and proper technique
- Assess and Review - Check back in and ensure you're on track